As a business owner, having a clear understanding of your customers is essential to creating a successful and profitable business.
To view the Customers report, navigate the left panel dashboard and select POS, choose POS Report
The POS customer report provides valuable information about your customers, including who they are, how often they shop with you, and how much they spend. This information can help you make informed decisions about your business and improve customer satisfaction
The customer report includes several sections, including:
Customer Over Time: This section provides an overview of your customers, including their full name, email, phone number, and total sales. This information can help you identify your most valuable customers and better understand their spending habits
Returning Customers: This section provides a list of customers who have made multiple purchases from your business. This information can help you identify your most loyal customers and provide them with special offers or promotions to keep them coming back.
One-Time Customers: This section provides a list of customers who have only made one purchase from your business. This information can help you understand why some customers are not returning and what changes you can make to improve customer satisfaction.
How to go to Reports using Mobile App
Go to POS > Select location > Open Register > Click More tab > Reports > Customers
The customer report is a valuable tool for understanding your customers and making informed decisions about your business.
With the insights provided by this report, you can create a more successful and profitable business.
So, make sure to check out your customer report regularly and use the information to improve your business operations.