Refunds are an important part of customer service because they provide customers with a way to get their money back if they are not satisfied with a product or service. Offering a refund option can also encourage customers to order again, as it shows that the business values its customers and is willing to address any issues they may have
To learn more on how to quickly process a refund, you may refer to the video below:
How to Process Refunds
1. Access the DizLog web here and log in using your email and password credentials.
Once you're logged in, you will be directed to the Inventory Dashboard.
2. To process a refund, Choose the “Order Management" option from the left pane under POS. Then, click on the "Order History" tab under "Done" status
3. The process click the order number
4. Click "Refund"
5. Enter Refund amount
6. If the items will be returned, indicate the quantity of items to return in "Total Returned" field , and if damage enter the quantity in the "Damaged" field
Note: We can do partial and full refunds for an order, just enter the desired amount
7. Click Refund
8. The page will show a successful refund with time-stamped
All Refund will be reflected in the Reports
Click to view reports
To process a refund, tap "POS" select location and tap "Open Catalog"
If the business has multiple product type make sure to filter from 3 shapes icon to choose the product type to refund
Filter the status dropdown to "Done"
Under "Done" status filter the start and end date to populate the orders in the date coverage
Once filtered look for the Order Number to Refund
Tap the order
Tap "Refund"
If the items will be returned, indicate the quantity of items to return in "Total Returned" field , and if damage enter the quantity in the "Damaged" field
Enter the "Refund Amount" then tap "Confirm"
That's it! You are now able to refund an order, you may review all refund transactions just tap "View Refund Details"