Efficient inventory management is a crucial aspect of running a successful restaurant or retail store.
A key advantage of utilizing a centralized omnichannel POS system is the ability to have comprehensive visibility of all products. This ensures that businesses can work exclusively with valuable stock, minimizing the risk of damage or loss during transportation. If you encounter challenges with uploading or categorizing complex items, ingredient tracking may not be up to par, leading to potential time wastage.
The principle is simple: what you see in the POS system should be readily available to customers as well.
DizLog POS offers a range of features designed to streamline inventory management. In this guide, we will provide a detailed explanation of how to efficiently add products using the quick inventory function of DizLog POS. By leveraging this feature, you can swiftly analyze your inventory and identify strategies to maximize profitability.
Step 1: Sign In Your DizLog Account
Step 2: Click Inventory / Catalog
Step 3: Click Category to Create Category for Your Products
Step 4: Click Product / Services to Input Your Products
Follow these 4 easy steps to manage DizLog's inventory anytime & anywhere!