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Actualizado hace más de un año

Acceda a su tablero de afiliados registrando:

Para iniciar sesión:
1. En el cuadro de inicio de sesión, ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico.
2. Haga clic en el botón Siguiente
3. Ingrese su contraseña
- Si aún no ha creado una contraseña, puede recibir un enlace de inicio de sesión por correo electrónico a su dirección de correo electrónico.

Una vez que haya iniciado sesión, ahora puede ver su tablero de afiliados


Contents / Information

Home Page

This is where you will find your affiliate code, affiliate link, quick social media links, and a summary of your referral count and commissions.


This menu contains more information about DigLog, affiliate advantages, and how to start earning money by recommending others.

Marketing Materials

This page will contain all accessible materials to assist you in promoting DigLog.


Please go to this page if you need more information about your referrals. You may also change the date range as needed.

Invite Others

Invite your network to begin referring and become affiliates as well. You may change the email format as you see fit.

Your Network

This is the page where you can see who you suggested to become an affiliate like you.


DigLog allows you to personalize the links you want to share with your network. This is important if you want to route your referrals to a site that we do not have listed under Landing Pages.

Landing Pages

We've generated quick links from the DigLog website that you can quickly copy and publish to track your leads.


This tab displays information about your earned commissions.

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