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Dynamic QR orders with table management
Dynamic QR orders with table management
Updated over a month ago

In the fast-paced world of dining and hospitality, integrating technology to streamline processes is essential. The Dynamic QR Orders with Table Management system is a modern solution to enhance efficiency and customer experience. This article outlines the features, settings, and workflow to implement this system effectively.

Settings for QR Orders

  1. Table Management

    1. Ensure that the Table Management feature is enabled in your system.

    2. Tables can be monitored and updated dynamically based on customer interactions.

      💡 Go to POS > POS Settings > Features > Use Table Management (toggle it on) > Save

  2. Product Availability

    1. Only products marked with the “Available on POS” toggle can be displayed and linked to QR codes.

    2. This ensures that customers only view and order items that are in stock or currently offered.

      💡 Go to Product & Services > Item List > Create / Edit an Item > Sales Information > Available on POS (toggle it on) > Save

  3. Dynamic QR Codes

    1. Each QR code corresponds to a specific table, ensuring proper order allocation.

    2. This eliminates confusion and simplifies tracking of table-specific orders.

Generating QR Codes

  1. Workflow on POS:

    1. Upon clicking Open Order, the cashier selects a table.

    2. An empty table can be selected, with the option to:

      • Edit the number of guests (pax).

      • Generate a QR code for the empty table.

    3. A “Print Table QR” button is displayed to generate a QR code.

  2. QR Code Expiry Options

    1. After clicking Print Table QR, a modal is displayed:

      • Shows the QR code.

      • Allows the cashier to select the expiry duration for the QR code.

  3. Printing the QR Code

    1. Once the Print button is clicked, a receipt with the QR code is printed on the connected printer.

    2. The printed receipt includes:

      • Table Number

      • QR Code

      • Expiry Details

Customer Interaction: Getting Orders

  1. Scanning the QR Code

    • Customers scan the QR code, redirecting them to a page similar to an online store.

    • They can view the product menu, select items, and add them to their cart.

  2. Confirming Orders

    • Customers confirm their order via the interface.

    • Once confirmed:

      • The corresponding table in Open Orders is marked as Occupied.

      • Orders are added to the table.

  3. Cashier Notifications

    • Notifications or pop-ups alert the cashier about confirmed orders.

    • Cashiers can view and manage these orders as they would with standard Open Orders, including:

      • Adding new items.

      • Printing the bill.

      • Merging or transferring tables.

Updating Table and Order Status

a. Upon Order Confirmation by the Customer

  1. A notification/modal screen alerts the cashier that the table has been updated.

  2. The cashier confirms the table:

    • Updates the table status to Occupied.

    • Adds the customer’s order to the table.

    • Routes table orders to kitchen printers or kitchen displays.

  3. The interface includes a link to view the updated table orders.

b. For Order Updates by the Customer

  1. When a customer updates their order, the table’s order list is refreshed.

  2. A notification shows only the newly added items.

  3. Cashier confirms the update before saving it to the table.

Features Mirroring Open Orders

Dynamic QR Orders integrate seamlessly with standard Open Orders functionalities, including:

  • Adding additional items to the order.

  • Printing bills.

  • Merging or transferring tables.

  • Processing payments.

he Dynamic QR Orders with Table Management system simplifies order placement, table management, and communication between customers and staff. By leveraging dynamic QR codes, restaurants can ensure faster service, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency.

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