Discounts can be applied on checkout automatically or manually through discount codes.
When automatic discounts are applied, manual discount codes can no longer be added to the cart. Discount codes can be added to all products or to certain products only.
To set up promotions:
From the left pane menu, click Settings
Select Discount from the available choices.
Click 🏷️ Add New Discount Code
Fill out the information
Discount Code - only applicable if promotion for manual application
Discount Type : If "Fixed Amount" or "Percentage"
Discount : Enter amount if "Fixed Amount" type or Percentage amount if "Percentage"
All products
Selected products
Active Dates
Minimum Requirement
Save by clicking the Create New button
If the "Restricted Access" is turned on, only employees with the access can apply the discount.
💡 Tip:
In the Catalog, a Discount tab will be enabled that collectively shows the different items on promotion. Also inform your customers of ongoing promos so they can avail of discounts during checkout in My DizLog.