Purchase Orders (PO) allow you to keep track of orders placed with your suppliers, helping you better manage your inventory by organizing products ordered, received, and cancelled from supplier deliveries.
To Add a Supplier
💡 You may get to this page by following the instructions in the following help center articles:
To Create Purchase Orders:
In Inventory / Catalog dropdown list, choose Purchase Order.
To add a PO, click on "➕ Add Purchase Order"
Fill in the details with the following information
Address Details: Select Location
Select Supplier: choose an existing supplier who is connected with your items/products.
If you are unable to view a supplier from the list, add one first and then assign it to your items.
Item Information: This is where you may enter the items/products linked with the supplier you've chosen.
Choose an item from the list and modify the quantity as needed.
💡 You may also simply add items by scanning a barcode.
💡 If you don't find the item you're searching for in the list, make sure it's linked to the supplier you've chosen.
Tap Add Item
Purchase Order Date: change the date on which the purchase will be ordered.
Delivery Date: you can provide an expected delivery date that can be changed in the future.
Purchase Order#: this is a unique code to identify the PO.
Select Address: From your account's branches, select where the items/products will be delivered.
Once all details are entered, select " Save "
To Update PO Status:
Select the PO order to be updated from the Purchase Order screen
Search for the PO base on the status
New Order: Default status of Purchase Order
Released: Purchase Order has been forwarded to suppliers
Received: Orders that have been received in full or in part
Changed: Modifications made to the original Purchase Order
Cancelled: Purchase Order that did not continue
💡 Tip: You may also update the other Purchase order details you have initially entered.
To update the status, click on pencil icon across PO # to edit.
You may add new item to the PO and edit all information, additionally may duplicate or receive stock.
Once changes has been added click on Save.
New Order: Create a new Purchase Order
Released: Indicate the release date of the items
Received: Indicate when date when the items are received
Cancelled: Indicate cancelled date and cancelled note
4. Click on "Save"
Suppliers page is now split into 3 pages, My Suppliers (existing page), Incoming PO, and Manage Invoices.
When a merchant creates a PO and assigned it to other merchant with a supplier account setup, they’ll show up on the supplier merchant’s “Incoming PO” page.
Supplier will review the PO and may click confirm if the stocks are ready to ship to Merchant.
Invoice can now be generated for the PO on supplier side.
When invoice is created, delivery note will be sent to supplier email that was set and the email of the merchant who ordered.
How to Receive Stock from Supplier.
Click on Inventory/ Catalog dropdown list and select Receive Stock.
Merchant/ Buyer validates goods received and generates Goods receive note (GRN) and sends to Supplier (manual send or send to buyer in system)
Once all items qty, price with GRN is confirmed, allow payment to be made.
To Share Purchase Order Summary:
Select the PO order to be shared from the Purchase Order page.
In the upper right corner of the page, tap the share symbol.
The purchase order summary will be shown in PDF format.
Why can't I create a PO?
❗ Before creating a PO, ensure that items are already in your inventory list and assigned to a supplier.
Once you have them added to your inventory already, you can proceed with purchase order creation.