Creating a purchase order (PO) is an essential part of the procurement process for businesses. A purchase order is a formal document a buyer sends to a supplier, indicating the intent to purchase goods or services.
To know the step by step creating a purchase order choose which App you are using:
From the left pane of the Dashboard click on "Inventory Management" and click "Purchase Order"
Click "+ Add Purchase Order" to start creating PO
Select your store "location"
Select "Supplier"
Add Item from the list that will popup after clicking on "+Add Item"
💡 Reminder:
Items/Product selection will be populated depending on what supplier is selected in creating purchase order, you may select multiple suppliers in one single Purchase Order
After clicking the item to order it will let you enter desired quantity and enter cost price
Once done selecting click on "Add Items"
Order Details shows Order date and selection of delivery date when you are expecting the items will be delivered to you
PO Number is automatically populated and you may take note the Purchase Order for future reorder purposes
That's it! You are able to create a new purchase order.
How to Edit Purchase Order
From the same screen Filter Purchase Orders by Status, manually entering Purchase Order number or by selecting Location.
Click on ✏️ icon to edit
Update such as Purchase Order "Status" from below statuses
Click on "Save" once done
From the landing page of the app, tap on "Inventory/Catalog"
Navigate to "PO" then tap "+ Add PO" to start creating Purchase Order
Select Supplier, Select Item to order
💡 Reminder:
Items/Product selection will be populated depending on what supplier is selected in creating purchase order, you may select multiple suppliers in one single Purchase Order
Order Details such as
a. Purchase Order date ( Purchase Order Created date )
b. Delivery date ( Set date of item delivery day )
💡 PO Number is automatically populated and you may take note the Purchase Order for future reorder purposes
That's it! You are able to create a new purchase order.
How to Edit Purchase Order
From the same screen tap Purchase Order number
Update such as Purchase Order "Status" from below statuses
Click on "Save Changes" once done