When it comes to managing a business, keeping track of cash flow is essential. That's where Dizlog's feature on how to open and close registers comes in. This feature allows all employees with access to the point-of-sale (POS) system to open and close registers, ensuring that cash flow is accurately recorded and managed.
💻 For DizLog Web App:
How To Open Register?
In the left panel, choose the "POS" tab and select "Catalog."
After clicking Catalog a popup window will show, you will need to select the Store Location you want to Open and Select which Register Name should access Catalog, for this sample we only have one Register Name available so click Open →.
Enter the Opening amount, and click Open Reegister.
The Opening date and time will be shown in this page along with Closed at, Open By: Register name, Closed by: Register Name, Opening amount, Pay-ins, Payouts, and the Closing amount.
Now we have the POS Catalog Open.
How To Close Register?
In the Catalog Page you can now Close the Register directly by Clicking the Switch Register in the Top right corner of the page.
In the Popup window select the Register and click Close →.
Like in opening a register, you will have this page where you can enter a Closing amount and click Close Register.
The Closed at date and time will be shown in this page along with Opened at, Opened By: Register name, Closed by: Register Name, Opening amount, Pay-ins, Payouts, and the Closing amount.
📱 For DizLog Mobile App:
How To Open Register?
In the mobile app, click on "Point of Sale"
Choose the location of your register and then click on "Open Register"
Click on "Open Register" then enter the opening amount that is in the register and click on "Open Register" again. Then, Register is now opened it will display the information on the time it was opened and by whom.
Click on back and it will redirect you to the register. Click on the open catalog and it will redirect you to your POS catalog
How To Close Register?
From the POS catalog, go to "more" section, afterwards, click on "Open/Close Register"
Select the register that was opened.
Click on "Close Register"
Input the closing amount of the register then click on "Close Register"
It's important to open and close registers regularly to keep track of cash flow and ensure that transactions are accurate.
By opening a register, employees can start recording transactions and keeping track of the cash flow. And by closing a register, they can ensure that the cash in the register matches the recorded transactions, reducing the risk of errors or discrepancies.