Using credit card payment with a point-of-sale (POS) system offers several important benefits for both merchants and customers:
Increased Sales
Improved Cash Flow
Detailed Reporting and Analytics
Integration with Other Systems
Customer Satisfaction
Competitive Advantage
It's worth noting that POS systems may have additional features and capabilities, such as loyalty program integration or inventory management, but the basic process of credit card authorization and settlement remains consistent across different systems.
How to Activate Dizlog Payments :
💡 You may get to this page by following the instructions in the following help center articles:
From Left Pane of the Dashboard go to "POS" and Click "Catalog".
Add items to cart.
Choose "Online Payments" as mode of payment.
Select "Use Online".
Select Customer to be able to process Dizlog Digital Payment. ( If new customer can create a New Customer by clicking "+ Add Customer".
Click on "Checkout".
Scan code to proceed with Payment.
Once Payment has been successful, you can now easily view previous receipts, just click on POS and select receipt.
Overall, using credit card payment with a POS system provides a range of benefits that can positively impact both merchants and customers, including convenience, security, increased sales, improved cash flow, and enhanced customer satisfaction.