Have you ever encountered a customer who wanted to purchase an item or service, but the location of the store was too far for them to travel? As a business owner, you may not have wanted to travel to that location yourself, but you also didn't want to keep the customer waiting.
With DizLog, there is a solution. You can now make items and services available in different business locations and branches.
💻 For DizLog Web App:
From item/service creation:
Choose the "📦 Product/Services" option from the left pane under Inventory/Catalog
Click " ➕ Add Item / Services"
Fill in the product details
Once you are in Location box, select your desired location for the item/service
⚠️ if you cannot find the location you wish to select, please check your location under your business settings > business profile
If you need to add multiple location per the item, just click on the "+Add Location" and continue filling out the remaining details.
From updating item/services:
Choose the "📦 Product/Services" option from the left pane under Inventory/Catalog
Tap the ✏️ pencil icon next to the item name that you want to edit the location.
Once you are in Location box, select your desired location for the item/service
If you need to add multiple location per the item, just click on the "+Add Location" and continue filling out the remaining details.
📱 For DizLog Mobile App:
From item/service creation:
Tap the "+ Item Mode" next to the item name on the Inventory /Catalog home page.
Select "+Add Item/Service"
Fill in the product details
Once you are location selection, select your desired location for the item/service
⚠️ if you cannot find the location you wish to select, please check your location under your business settings > business profile
Continue to fill out the remaining details and hit save.
💡 If you would like an item to be on multiple location when you are using DizLog Mobile, you have to re-create the item and choose the other location you wish to have.
From updating item/services:
Tap the ✏️ pencil icon next to the item name that you want to edit the location on the Inventory /Catalog home page.
Under the location selection, select your desired location for the item/service
⚠️ if you cannot find the location you wish to select, please check your location under your business settings > business profile
Please click on the video below for a visual instruction on handling multiple location.