Prepare your customer data: Make sure you have a structured file (e.g., CSV, Excel) containing the customer information you want to upload.
That's why Dizlog make it easy for you, from downloading ready template file, providing what needs to contain prior uploading bulk lists of customers to your Dashboard.
Here's the information needs to be gathered from the Customers:
Customer Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Location Name
Address Line 1 and 2
Selecting Y/N as Primary Location
Other Helpful Links:
💡 You may get to this page by following the instructions in the following help center articles:
From the Dashboard screen, click " Customers " dropdown list and click "Customer List"
Click " Import ".
Click " Download Template File " it's a csv file you may download that contains the format upload your customers in bulk.
Here's the ready template for Customers, fill in the required column and save the file, make sure to rename the file prior saving.
On the other sheet named " guidelines " you may find the General Notes.
Once you have listed all customers you may now upload the bulk template file by dragging the file to the screen.
Click " Upload ".
That's it, you are now able to upload bulk customers!