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How to Sell Item by Weight

Learn to set up and sell by weight-based :

Updated over a year ago

DizLog POS new feature allows you to sell by weight, this is common in businesses that sell products such as fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, and other items that need to be weighed before purchase.

Here's how to Implement a weight-based selling system through DizLog POS:

To Add New Custom UOM :

💡 You may get to this page by following the instructions in the following help center articles.

Choose which App you are using:

Creating Item to be sold by Weight

  1. Click on Inventory / Catalog dropdown lists and click on Product / Services

  2. Click on + Add Items

  3. Enter the details required in General tab.

  4. On Sales Information, ensure that you select the appropriate UOM ( Unit of Measurement )

    Note: If UOM doesn't exist on the UOM ( Unit of Measurement ) you may add your custom by following these steps.

  5. Enter Unit of Measurement as below :

    1. Unit of Measurement - How the item will be sold to the customer

    2. Conversion Value - Apply conversion unit as needed

    3. Purchase unit of measurement - if different select how you have purchased the item

      Example: you bought Rice per Sack and want to sell it per Kilogram. Enter the total kilograms 1 sack has. In the picture below, 1 sack of rice equals 25kg.

    Apply the details required in creating items such as item costs, price, variants if there are any, add-ons, and so on.

Selling item by Weight in POS

  1. Open POS

  2. Select the item you sell by weight

  3. You can then change the quantity amount with decimal points.

    1. Example, customer would like to buy 5.5 Kg of Rice

  4. Proceed as usual checkout

    💡 your stock will now decrease including the decimal value. If I had 625kg stock earlier of rice it will go down to 619.5kg stock of rice in your inventory.

    It's essential to calibrate and maintain your scale regularly to ensure accurate measurements.

Creating Item to be sold by Weight

  1. From the homepage of the app, tap "Inventory / Category"

  2. Tap on " + plus icon"

  3. Tap "+ Add Items"

  4. Enter the details required in General tab.

  5. On Sales Information, ensure that you select the appropriate UOM ( Unit of Measurement )

    Note: If UOM doesn't exist on the UOM ( Unit of Measurement ) you may add your custom by following these steps.

  6. Enter "Unit of Measurement" as below :

    1. Unit of Measurement - How the item will be sold to the customer

    2. Conversion Value - Apply conversion unit as needed

    3. Purchase unit of measurement - if different select how you have purchased the item

      Example: you bought Rice per Sack and want to sell it per Kilogram. Enter the total kilograms 1 sack has. In the picture below, 1 sack of rice equals 25kg.

  7. Apply the details required in creating items such as item costs, price, variants if there are any, add-ons, and so on.

  8. Tap "Save Item"

Selling item by Weight in POS

  1. Open POS

  2. Select the item you sell by weight

  3. You can then change the quantity amount with decimal points.

    1. Example, customer would like to buy 5.5 Kg of Rice

  4. Proceed as usual checkout

    💡 your stock will now decrease including the decimal value. If I had 625kg stock earlier of rice it will go down to 619.5kg stock of rice in your inventory.

    It's essential to calibrate and maintain your scale regularly to ensure accurate measurements.

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