Business can edit timesheet of employees.
Follow the steps:
💻 DizLog Web App:
To edit timesheet:
On left pane menu, select " 👥 Employee Management "
From the dropdown, choose " HRMS "
On the HRMS page, select the option " Time Tracking "
Select the date of the timecard you would like to edit
Identify the employee that requires changes
To Edit: click on the " ✏️ " pencil icon
On the pop up window, update the necessary details
Click " Update " button to save your changes.
To delete timesheet:
On left pane menu, select " 👥 Employee Management "
From the dropdown, choose " HRMS "
On the HRMS page, select the option " Time Tracking "
Select the date of the timecard you would like to edit
Identify the employee that requires deletion
To Delete: click on the " 🗑️ " trash bin icon
On the pop up window, select " Delete " button to proceed.
📱 For DizLog Mobile App
To edit timesheet:
Choose the "Payroll" option from home page
From the bottom ,menu, choose " Time Tracking "
Select the date of the timecard you would like to edit
Identify the employee that requires changes
To Edit: click on the " ✏️ " pencil icon
On the pop up window, update the necessary details
Click " Submit Timetracking " button to save your changes.
To delete timesheet: